Friday, April 23, 2010

"They say that dreams are only real as long as they last...

...Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"
-Man with the long hair (Waking Life)

It's finally over. Work is over. I am left reeling. Reeling with the thought of what comes next. Thinking about the free time coming up that I'll have to myself...and the delicious alone time. I am so ready for alone time. I feel that I thrive when I am alone. It's not necessarily that my alone time is better than when I'm with others, but I feel that I accomplish different things when I'm on my own.

I want to spark my creativity...paint, draw, sing, make music, read. ANYTHING. I just need to find myself again and really reevaluate my life. Lately, I feel like I've been in a haze, doing my everyday duties, but just floating along, apathetic to the world and things going on around me.

For now, that is all.